Posts Tagged ‘anger’


Posted: September 1, 2014 in Poetry
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They bicker and jab,
bitch and nag.
They insult and growl,
scream and scowl.

Then it’s over, they forget,
There’s nothing left to regret.

I am irritated.

They bicker and growl,
bitch and scowl.
They insult and nag,
scream and jab.

Then they will go off to play,
are fine the next day.

I am agitated.

Again they bicker and jab.
Again they insult and growl.
They bitch, they nag,
they scream, they scowl.

I am aggravated.

Then suddenly everything is fine
and I am at the end of my line.

I want to SCREAM.
I want to BREAK something.
I want to break EVERYTHING.

And then they do it again
and all I can do is despair.

I am left with no place to which I could retreat,
bitter and empty with defeat.